
Friday, August 19, 2011


Hey Rushtimers, on Friday August 19th Animal Jam is Offline for the first time for me. I wonder what Animal Jam HQ is doing? Are they improving Jamaa? At this point I'm not sure but I'm a very curious person and it bugs me to know that I don't know what's going on

Thanks! :D

Misty G. Royal

P.S. Don't forget to Comment
Gotta know how I'm doing!! :D Thanks! 


  1. OM IT HAPPEND TO MESA TO! How funny! Now i know im not alone! Y'all went through da same thing

  2. i know why animal jam is offline...! before is to many animals on Jamaa!! but i only think this i don't know why is to many animals for animal jam i see 8000 animals on Jamaa!


Please be Respectful with your Comments! -Misty